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 Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds

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5 participants

Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2012
Localisation : Warsaw (Poland)

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds Empty
MessageSujet: A mysterious Carboniferous plant fossil - please help ID   Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds I_icon_minitimeSam 3 Mar 2012 - 19:32

Me and my friend would like to ask for your help. I see one of you is a real expert (Bruno Vallois). This specimen has been circling throughout the net form some years now, but no ID so far. The sandstone comes from Upper Silesia (Poland) and can be dated as Namurian C - Westphalian A. Here are the photos:

Original sandstone: http://www.paleontologia.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37
Silicone cast: http://www.thefossilforum.com/index.php/topic/27954-enigmatic-carb-fossil-plant/
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bruno vallois
bruno vallois

Messages : 1794
Date d'inscription : 15/09/2008
Localisation : un fossileux du 62 arrivé en Isère

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds   Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds I_icon_minitimeSam 3 Mar 2012 - 20:06

Hi Karaluch

Décidément notre forum devient international ,un ami de Pologne nous a rejoint !!!!

Je pense que tu as trouvé le morphogenre : Halonia tortuosa Lindley § Hutton ,c''est une partie de l'arbre Lepidophloios qui porte les strobus ,chaque bosse correspond au point d 'attachement d 'un strobus ...,malheureusement l'écorce n'est pas préservée entre les mamelons , elle aurait permis une identification formelle ....Mes félicitations pour cette belle découverte ....

I think you found morphogenus : Halonia tortuosa Lindley § Hutton , it is a part à Lepidophloios tree who bears the strobus ,each bump corresponds to the point of attachment of a strobus ,Unfortunately, the bark is not conserved between the nipples , it would have to give a positive identification....,congratulations for this nice finding ....
look to this link ....

Best regards




Dernière édition par bruno vallois le Sam 3 Mar 2012 - 20:25, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2012
Localisation : Warsaw (Poland)

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds   Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds I_icon_minitimeSam 3 Mar 2012 - 20:18

Thank you very much:)
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Messages : 1472
Date d'inscription : 14/09/2008
Age : 67
Localisation : Essonne

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds   Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds I_icon_minitimeDim 4 Mar 2012 - 19:28

Hello Karaluch.

If you can go to the part of the forum
you will be able to present yourselves.

Thank you
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Dawid Mazurek

Messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 17/03/2012

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds   Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Mar 2012 - 16:40

Hi. I'm Karaluch's friend. Is any of these identificable based on their low-quality photos? All from Upper Carboniferous heaps of Poland (Upper Silesia). A lycopodiophyte (lepidodendral?) shoot and two leaves of different species of pteridophyte/pteridospermatophyte, I imagine.

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds 27642464.thPolish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds 69467828.thPolish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds 24158555.th

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Messages : 1472
Date d'inscription : 14/09/2008
Age : 67
Localisation : Essonne

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds   Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds I_icon_minitimeDim 18 Mar 2012 - 9:03

Hello Dawid Mazurek.

If you can go to the part of the forum
you will be able to present yourselves.

Thank you
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Dawid Mazurek

Messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 17/03/2012

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds Empty
MessageSujet: Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds   Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds I_icon_minitimeSam 5 Mai 2012 - 14:14

How would you classify these?

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds P5050001t.thPolish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds P5050003.th

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds P5050006m.thPolish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds P5050008.thPolish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds P5050009.th
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Messages : 252
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008
Age : 72
Localisation : Le NOOORD

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds   Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds I_icon_minitimeSam 5 Mai 2012 - 15:11

your photos are too small, we can't see anything specific enough!! repeat of closer pictures!
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Dawid Mazurek

Messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 17/03/2012

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds   Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds I_icon_minitimeSam 5 Mai 2012 - 15:44

I'm sorry - I've pasted thumbnail links! These should be fine:


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Dawid Mazurek

Messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 17/03/2012

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds   Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds I_icon_minitimeSam 5 Mai 2012 - 16:01

Oh - I see previously I've made the same mistake, these are photos for my March's post:


(These are still not of great quality, though.)

Sorry, for the mess in this thread!!!
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bruno vallois
bruno vallois

Messages : 1794
Date d'inscription : 15/09/2008
Localisation : un fossileux du 62 arrivé en Isère

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds   Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds I_icon_minitimeSam 5 Mai 2012 - 16:11

Dawid Mazurek a écrit:
How would you classify these?

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds P5050001t.thPolish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds P5050003.th

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds P5050006m.thPolish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds P5050008.thPolish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds P5050009.th

Hi David

the first specimen is similar to Cordaites leaves, we see parallel lines resembling the ribs of the leaves, you would think a plant stem articulated, morph Calamites, which also shows parallel ribs, but the absence of the node 'away from it, this is my humble opinion.......

the second could be a sigillariostrobus axis like this one .......


best regards

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Dawid Mazurek

Messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 17/03/2012

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds   Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds I_icon_minitimeSam 5 Mai 2012 - 16:24

Thank you very much! Very Happy I thought about Cordaites leave, but wouldn't the fossil be to thick for that?
What about Sigillaria-like stem?

I would appreciate the help with these too:

Dawid Mazurek a écrit:
A lycopodiophyte (lepidodendral?) shoot and two leaves of different species of pteridophyte/pteridospermatophyte, I imagine.

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds 27642464.thPolish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds 69467828.thPolish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds 24158555.th
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bruno vallois
bruno vallois

Messages : 1794
Date d'inscription : 15/09/2008
Localisation : un fossileux du 62 arrivé en Isère

Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds   Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds I_icon_minitimeSam 5 Mai 2012 - 18:57

Bonsoir Dawid

Oui ce spécimen me semble épais , mais il existe différentes formes de feuilles de cordaites , les unes sont charnues ,à bords paralléles ,d 'autres sont obtuses ,certaines
sont courtes et pointues ,ou à extrémités arrondies ......

Yes this specimen seems thick, but there are different forms of Cordaites leaves ,some are fleshy, with parallel-sided, some are obtuse shape, some are short and pointed or rounded ends....


best regards

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Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds   Polish (Upper Silesia) Upper Carboniferous finds I_icon_minitime

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