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 L Carboniferous of Poland

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3 participants
Dawid Mazurek

Messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 17/03/2012

L Carboniferous of Poland Empty
MessageSujet: L Carboniferous of Poland   L Carboniferous of Poland I_icon_minitimeMar 9 Déc 2014 - 10:49

Can you help me with the identification???

1. indet.

2. Lepidodendron sp.

3. fern-like??? leaves

4. fern-like leave (part & counterpart)
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bruno vallois
bruno vallois

Messages : 1794
Date d'inscription : 15/09/2008
Localisation : un fossileux du 62 arrivé en Isère

L Carboniferous of Poland Empty
MessageSujet: Re: L Carboniferous of Poland   L Carboniferous of Poland I_icon_minitimeMer 10 Déc 2014 - 6:13

Hi David

This spécimen shows long and narrow leaf like  : Alethopteris decurrens Artis  

L Carboniferous of Poland 357ec510

Very similar to Lepidodendron's leaf cushions like :   Lepidodendron acuelatum  Sternberg

L Carboniferous of Poland C00f7610

L Carboniferous of Poland Cbf8e010

Lycophyta Strobus , perhaps Bothrodendron ? 

L Carboniferous of Poland F248e610 

Perhaps Pecopteris foliage like : Lobatopteris , because leaf at their basis is rounded and adherent between her, : Lobatopteris miltoni  Artis

Best regards

here : https://i.servimg.com/u/f20/13/00/15/73/img45010.JPG


Dernière édition par bruno vallois le Mer 10 Déc 2014 - 17:02, édité 1 fois
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Dawid Mazurek

Messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 17/03/2012

L Carboniferous of Poland Empty
MessageSujet: Re: L Carboniferous of Poland   L Carboniferous of Poland I_icon_minitimeMer 10 Déc 2014 - 9:29

Thank you VERY much for your help!
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Messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2014
Localisation : Brno, South Moravia, Czech Republic

L Carboniferous of Poland Empty
MessageSujet: Re: L Carboniferous of Poland   L Carboniferous of Poland I_icon_minitimeVen 10 Juil 2015 - 17:58

Hi, can you help mi with identify this fossils please? They are from Poland, near Rybnik. Upper silesian basin, upper carboniferous - namurian A to westphalian C (maybe only namurian A). Scale has 5 cm. Thank you very much for your help. 

best regards, Ales 

1. L Carboniferous of Poland Dscf2212
 and detail 
L Carboniferous of Poland Dscf2213

L Carboniferous of Poland Dscf2215

L Carboniferous of Poland Dscf2216

L Carboniferous of Poland Dscf2217

L Carboniferous of Poland Dscf2218

L Carboniferous of Poland Dscf2219

L Carboniferous of Poland Dscf2220

L Carboniferous of Poland Dscf2221

detail of leaves 
L Carboniferous of Poland Dscf2222

and detail of branch leaves scars
L Carboniferous of Poland Dscf2223
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bruno vallois
bruno vallois

Messages : 1794
Date d'inscription : 15/09/2008
Localisation : un fossileux du 62 arrivé en Isère

L Carboniferous of Poland Empty
MessageSujet: Re: L Carboniferous of Poland   L Carboniferous of Poland I_icon_minitimeDim 26 Juil 2015 - 20:44

Hi Ales

Apologies for my late response, problems with my internet after my move. Embarassed

The first sample looks like a Sigillaria elegans ,in northern France we found this specie in lower westphalien (westphalien A ) ,I also see a strobus scars zone on the right .  ( pictures 1 ,2 , 5 )  

L Carboniferous of Poland Dscf2212

Your sample is a Sigillaria rugosa , I also see the typical plume of the ligular pit just at the top of the leaf cushion ,also common in Westphalian A/B .
L Carboniferous of Poland Dscf2216

Picture 4 and 7 are similar ,they look like Sigillaria boblayi

The next picture 8 , sorry I dont 't know ....



L Carboniferous of Poland Sigill10
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L Carboniferous of Poland Empty
MessageSujet: Re: L Carboniferous of Poland   L Carboniferous of Poland I_icon_minitime

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L Carboniferous of Poland
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